All the IT experts in our community have been carefully selected by us with the help of fellow experts, using a rigorous assessment process which includes a DBS/CRB check. They are chosen not only for their skills, knowledge and experience, but also for their professionalism and because they are passionate about delivering excellent service.
We ensure that our experts have strong communication skills and can explain complex technical concepts in layman's terms. They will always use straightforward language, avoiding jargon and buzzwords.
As a Lxpert customer, you're always in control. You can amend or cancel an appointment at any time (subject to terms and conditions). It's also up to you who you engage with via the Lxpert website because you can choose to reject or block messages.
Our open and transparent rating and review system helps us to maintain the highest standards of quality and service.
All payments are processed securely via Paypal, one of the world's most trusted online services for financial transactions. We don't store any customer credit or debit card details on our systems.
All communications sent and received via the Lxpert website servers are carried over a standard internet secure channel via HTTPS and SSL. Account passwords are fully encrypted and only known to the account holder. If you forget your password, we can provide you with a facility to reset it.